Pisa Race 1 - 1M 2F Hcap
NABBEYL (2) Bold effort to win last time at Treviso. Added confidence with A Ferramosca doing the steering. Will give a big sight. NAIF (4) Brave effort to win narrowly last time around here on a heavy track and will be aiming for a soft run from the draw. Racing consistently this preparation. Could run a race. DON CARLO (5) Finished 4th last start at this track. Overlooking the last run. Include in chances. CURARO LIGHT (3) First up and fought on well to win a tight contest first up last preparation at Varese. Can find a nice position from the draw. Not out of this.

Jockey: Ri Belluco
Weight: 76.5kgs
Ordinary performance when 11th last time around here but back to an increased distance. Could not recommend in this.

Jockey: A Ferramosca
Weight: 74.5kgs
Strong performance to win last time at Treviso. A Ferramosca does know the horse very well. Has the ratings to win this.

Jockey: C Orlandi
Weight: 74kgs
First up and secured a close victory first up last preparation at Varese. Drawn nicely. Nice price for the value seekers.

Jockey: G Pellegrini
Weight: 73.5kgs
Fought on well to win a tight contest last time at this track and has minimal work to do from the draw. Tracking very well this campaign. Good chance at a nice price.

Jockey: N Singali
Weight: 68.5kgs
Ran 4th last start here. Overlooking the last run. A threat to the other main hopes.

Jockey: F Patrese
Weight: 66.5kgs
Came in 5th last run at the track. Others make far more appeal.