Panama Race 4 - 5 1/2F Stakes
INDIA DE HUERA (9) Fresh from a spell. Towards the tail last start around here. Giving another chance here. Stable is in form. Worth consideration. SWEET GABRIELLE (7) On a quick back up. In the money when 3rd last run at this track. Jockey J Garibaldo is in top form for this stable. Has to be included. METICORTEN (4) Mediocre display when 7th last start around here but will be well suited at the distance. Each way a good option. BLACK WAR (5) Racing on a quick back up. Good win last run at this track. Jockey L Lezcano is in form for this stable. Among the major players.
Jockey: S Sanchez
Weight: 54.5kgs
Not up to scratch when 7th last time at the track but has the ideal stall. Will have to carry extra weight. One for the exotics.
Jockey: J Osorio
Weight: 51.5kgs
Racing on a quick back up. Unimpressive effort when 5th last time at this track but will try to take advantage of the stall. Could be in the mix.
Jockey: N Pitti
Weight: 51.5kgs
Only fair when 6th last time at the track and coming back in trip. Can surprise at a nice price.
Jockey: V Sanchez
Weight: 51.5kgs
Started at $16.00 and sub-standard effort when 7th last run at the track but strong performer at this distance. Good prospects.
Jockey: L Lezcano
Weight: 51.5kgs
Backing up quickly. Did a good job when winning last time here. L Lezcano and I De Roux work well together. Strong prospects.
Jockey: J Reyes
Weight: 51.5kgs
Resuming after a spell of 33 weeks. Well beaten when 8th last time here and dropping in distance. Needs a lot of luck.
Jockey: J Garibaldo
Weight: 49kgs
On a quick turnaround. Did well when 3rd last run around here. J Garibaldo and E Ocaa deserve serious consideration as a team. Can win this.
Jockey: O Hernandez Jr
Weight: 51.5kgs
Clearly outclassed when 5th last run at the track and will be dropping in distance. One of the punters top hopes.