Sunland Park Race 6 - Race 6 - Maiden Claiming
Jockey: Christian Ramos
Weight: 57kgs
Resuming from 91 day spell. Resuming today after a good effort beaten 2.5l behind My Royal Player at Lone Star Park before a spell. Look to betting.
Last Starts 88 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
8/9 | 19/10/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $11,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 320m | Fast | Jose Amador Alvarez | 58.5kg | 2345.10. | 9-8-8 | 8 |
| 2.5L | $11.60 |
10/10 | 20/09/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $16,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 301m | Fast | Jose Amador Alvarez | 59.5kg | 2141.30. | 6-9-10 | 1 |
| 4.75L | $58.20 |
9/9 | 10/08/2024 | - | Trials | $10,000.00 | Albuquerque | 402m | Fast | Christian Ramos | 56.5kg | 2299.10. | 8-8-9 | 6 |
| 9.85L | $64.60 |
8/9 | 12/07/2024 | - | Maiden | $19,800.00 | Ruidoso Downs | 320m | Fast | Lucas Constantin | 56.5kg | 2313.20. | 5-5-8 | 8 |
| 4.35L | $18.50 |
Jockey: Alfredo Sigala
Weight: 57kgs
Finished 4.05L behind the winner at Lone Star Park last run. Can be in the finish.
Last Starts 67 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
9/10 | 09/11/2024 | - | Maiden | $15,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 365m | Fast | Bryan Candanosa | 57kg | 2018.30. | 4-6-7 | 2 |
| 4.05L | $6.80 |
4/7 | 31/10/2024 | - | Maiden | $15,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 365m | Fast | Juan Pulido | 57.5kg | 2067.0. | 6-4-4 | 5 |
| 1.85L | $4.30 |
3/10 | 18/10/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $12,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 402m | Fast | Juan Pulido | 57kg | 2474.30. | 4-2-3 | 10 |
| 0.85L | $12.60 |
9/10 | 06/09/2024 | - | Maiden | $22,000.00 | Albuquerque | 320m | Fast | Daniel Ruiz Amaya | 58.5kg | 2271.0. | 9-9-9 | 5 |
| 5.9L | $17.80 |
8/10 | 16/08/2024 | - | Maiden | $19,800.00 | Albuquerque | 320m | Fast | Jose Luis Enriquez | 56.5kg | 2265.0. | 8-9-9 | 7 |
| 12.75L | $21.40 |
7/10 | 03/05/2024 | - | Trials | $5,000.00 | Sunray Park | 320m | Fast | Alfredo Sigala | 57.5kg | 2239.10. | 6-7-7 | 6 |
| 6.1L | $6.00 |
Jockey: Jesse Levario
Weight: 57kgs
Outside leader but just couldn't reel Dashin Jambalaya in when 0.5L away at Zia Park last start. Sure to run well.
Last Starts 38 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
2/10 | 08/12/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 274m | Fast | Ricky Ramirez | 56.5kg | 2025.30. | 3-2 | 6 |
| 0.5L | $10.30 |
10/10 | 21/09/2024 | - | Maiden | $15,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 301m | Fast | Manuel Benavides | 58kg | 2196.10. | 2-10-10 | 8 |
| 3.75L | $25.90 |
9/9 | 26/07/2024 | - | Trials | $6,000.00 | Albuquerque | 320m | Fast | Francisco Calderon | 56.5kg | 2281.30. | 6-9-9 | 9 |
| 7.85L | $36.90 |
7/9 | 07/07/2024 | - | Maiden | $19,800.00 | Ruidoso Downs | 320m | Fast | Christian Cardenas | 56.5kg | 2352.50. | 3-5-6 | 2 |
| 3.05L | $25.60 |
6/10 | 27/05/2024 | - | Maiden | $19,800.00 | Ruidoso Downs | 320m | Fast | Christian Cardenas | 56.5kg | 2328.30. | 2-4-5 | 10 |
| 5.35L | $25.70 |
7/10 | 17/03/2024 | - | Trials | $8,900.00 | Sunland Park | 274m | Fast | Francisco Calderon | 56.5kg | 1900.50. | 9-8 | 2 |
| 4.3L | $7.40 |
Jockey: Jacob Cardenas
Weight: 57kgs
Ordinary effort at Maiden level before a spell when beaten 4.3L at Zia Park. Hard to see it winning here.
Last Starts 46 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
6/10 | 30/11/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 320m | Fast | Jacob Cardenas | 56.5kg | 2250.50. | 6-6-6 | 2 |
| 4.3L | $33.60 |
7/10 | 20/10/2024 | - | Maiden | $22,000.00 | Albuquerque | 320m | Fast | Raul Ortega | 56.5kg | 2312.40. | 8-7-7 | 10 |
| 5.6L | $26.50 |
Jockey: Jorge Nieto-Saenz
Weight: 57kgs
Second up today after a spell. Ran well last start when 0.75L behind Runaway Rimes at Zia Park. Each way claims.
Last Starts 32 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
3/10 | 14/12/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 365m | Fast | Christian Ramos | 58kg | 2010.0. | 6-5-3 | 9 |
| 0.75L | $10.90 |
6/10 | 19/09/2024 | - | Maiden | $22,000.00 | Albuquerque | 320m | Fast | Jorge Nieto-Saenz | 56.5kg | 2225.40. | 8-9-6 | 9 |
| 5.5L | $60.10 |
Jockey: Daniel Amaya
Weight: 57kgs
Looked good last start when 1.6L behind Dashin Jambalaya at Zia Park. Really struggling this prep, unable to finish in the placings so far. Bit one paced and place appears best.
Last Starts 38 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
5/10 | 08/12/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 274m | Fast | Jorge Nieto-Saenz | 57.5kg | 2025.30. | 5-6 | 5 |
| 1.6L | $38.90 |
7/10 | 23/10/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $12,100.00 | Albuquerque | 301m | Fast | Jorge Nieto-Saenz | 56.5kg | 2157.40. | 2-2-6 | 10 |
| 3.6L | $13.10 |
5/10 | 28/09/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $12,100.00 | Albuquerque | 320m | Fast | Jorge Nieto-Saenz | 56.5kg | 2304.10. | 7-6-6 | 4 |
| 4.25L | $51.20 |
8/9 | 25/08/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $16,500.00 | Albuquerque | 301m | Fast | Federico Martinez | 57.5kg | 2155.50. | 6-6-8 | 3 |
| 4.1L | $33.90 |
8/9 | 02/08/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $19,800.00 | Albuquerque | 301m | Fast | Raul Ortega | 56.5kg | 2156.50. | 8-9-9 | 4 |
| 5.5L | $32.90 |
9/10 | 17/05/2024 | - | Maiden | $21,500.00 | Sunray Park | 320m | Fast | Daniel Avila, Jr. | 57.5kg | 2247.30. | 8-9-9 | 3 |
| 16L | $47.00 |
Jockey: Larry Marquez
Weight: 57kgs
Nice run last start when 1.15L behind Runaway Rimes at Zia Park. Strong chance.
Last Starts 32 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
6/10 | 14/12/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 365m | Fast | Larry Marquez | 57.5kg | 2010.0. | 7-6-5 | 10 |
| 1.15L | $6.60 |
4/9 | 17/11/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 320m | Fast | Larry Marquez | 58kg | 2254.40. | 3-4-4 | 8 |
| 0.95L | $14.80 |
3/10 | 09/10/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $15,600.00 | Albuquerque | 365m | Fast | Larry Marquez | 57.5kg | 2629.30. | 3-3-3 | 10 |
| 4.5L | $19.20 |
7/8 | 25/08/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $16,500.00 | Albuquerque | 301m | Fast | Alfredo Sigala | 57.5kg | 2144.50. | 7-7-7 | 9 |
| 4.1L | $10.10 |
8/10 | 13/07/2024 | - | Maiden | $22,800.00 | Ruidoso Downs | 320m | Fast | Jose Daniel Ruiz | 56.5kg | 2296.50. | 9-9-8 | 3 |
| 7.25L | $37.60 |
Jockey: Gerardo Vera
Weight: 57kgs
Ran well last start when 0.25L behind Its A Kvn Corona at Evangeline Downs. Strong claims.
Last Starts 56 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
2/8 | 20/11/2024 | - | Maiden | $12,000.00 | Evangeline Downs | 320m | Fast | Ubaldo Luna | 56.5kg | 2359.20. | 6-7-6 | 8 |
| 0.25L | $8.90 |
4/9 | 19/10/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $11,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 320m | Fast | Froylan Tellez Ramirez | 57kg | 2345.10. | 2-4-4 | 5 |
| 1.1L | $11.20 |
7/10 | 19/09/2024 | - | Maiden | $18,000.00 | Lone Star Park | 365m | Fast | Froylan Tellez Ramirez | 57kg | 2057.10. | 4-6-7 | 7 |
| 2.55L | $24.80 |
4/10 | 24/08/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $11,500.00 | Gillespie Fairground | 320m | Fast | Claudio Ponce Aguilar | 56.5kg | 2316.30. | 8-7-5 | 6 |
| 4L | $7.70 |
3/9 | 19/07/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $11,000.00 | Retama Park | 274m | Fast | Claudio Ponce Aguilar | 57kg | 2035.30. | 7-4 | 8 |
| 1.5L | $10.90 |
6/9 | 11/05/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $11,500.00 | Sam Houston | 274m | Fast | Gerardo Luna | 57.5kg | 2054.10. | 7-7 | 2 |
| 3.2L | $6.40 |
3/9 | 25/04/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $14,500.00 | Sam Houston | 228m | Fast | Claudio Ponce Aguilar | 57kg | 1684.50. | 7-2 | 3 |
| 0.5L | $8.70 |
Jockey: Cristian Reyes
Weight: 57kgs
Bradley C. Bolen 2yo first starter by Ivan James. Big watch.
Jockey: Brian Barraza
Weight: 57kgs
Handy effort on debut when beaten 1.75L at Zia Park when a $38.4 chance. Not fancied.
Last Starts 59 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
5/10 | 17/11/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 274m | Fast | Jorge Nieto-Saenz | 57.5kg | 1879.30. | 6-6 | 9 |
| 1.75L | $38.40 |
Jockey: Omar Iturralde
Weight: 57kgs
Ran well last start when 0.5L behind Runaway Rimes at Zia Park. Has managed to place one of two starts this preperation. Rough hope.
Last Starts 32 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
2/10 | 14/12/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $22,500.00 | Zia Park | 365m | Fast | Omar Iturralde | 56.5kg | 2010.0. | 1-1-2 | 4 |
| 0.5L | $40.30 |
5/10 | 23/10/2024 | - | Maiden Claiming | $12,100.00 | Albuquerque | 301m | Fast | Joseph Belloc, Jr. | 56.5kg | 2157.40. | 6-7-5 | 8 |
| 3.25L | $14.00 |
Jockey: Kevin Enriquez-Arenivas
Weight: 57kgs
Having 1st run back from a break. Good effort on debut when beaten 2.65L at Prairie Meadows when a $3.8 chance. Check betting.
Last Starts 200 days since last start
Place | Date | Days | Class | Prize | Track | Dist. | Cnd. | Jockey | Weight | Race Time | In Run | Gate | Result | Margin | Starting Price |
6/8 | 29/06/2024 | - | Maiden | $20,111.00 | Prairie Meadows | 228m | Fast | Miguel Josue Ramirez | 56.5kg | 1600.20. | 5-6 | 3 |
| 2.65L | $3.80 |